Back, but overwhelmed, so not much blogging going on

I think my title says it all. Yes I am back. I've been back for about 2 weeks now, but did I tell you that I moved while I was gone.

Technically my awesome husband, wonderful 14 year old, sisters, and lots of great friends moved me while I was gone. So when I came home 2 weeks ago it was to a new house, with lots of boxes to unpack and a house to organize.

On top of that I've got lots of kids to manage and things to do, like go to the DMV (shudder), we've had appointments, practices, and just life in general to get back into the swing of things and oh yeah, I'm seven months pregnant.

So I do really want to blog, but then I see my boxes and I just can't sit at the computer when I should be doing something more productive.

I'm just tired and overwhelmed.


Smart Helm said…
I was so sad to hear you had moved! I hate change.. although it's u the one that's changing and having to do all the work. Good luck!
sara said…
You forgot to mention you are pregnant. That never helps any.
Katie said…
Where did you guys move to?
Anonymous said…
If you ever wnat help let me know and I will come and help. That's what I am for!!!
Anonymous said…
That is such a nice surprise they took away the stress of moving.

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