Confessions of a Chocolateaholic

I love peanut m&m's!

I mean, I REALLY love peanut m&m's. I guess you can say that I'm slightly obsessed with these yummy treats. I get a little scared when my big 45 oz. bag is almost empty, that I will go buy another one before it gets empty because heaven forbid that I go without m&m's for a minute. They must be there, hidden in my drawer (so my kids can't eat them) at all times. It makes me feel better knowing that they are there and that I can have a quick little pick me up at any time. It's not like its bad addiction, right?

When Russell was at scout camp I went through an entire bag in 1 week. Stress really brings out my need for these chocolatey yummies. After that I averaged a bag every two weeks. I thought to myself that this obsession was getting a little out of hand. SO I convinced myself that portion control would be good for me. Then I got the fun size. And it did actually help. I would only eat 1 fun size bag at a time, and would then only eat a couple bags a day. Victory! ...until I started eating 2 bags at a time. Then last night I fell off the wagon. I went to the store and bought the big bag again.

I'm wondering if I should get in an AA type program or maybe I already am (I do go to the gym)! You'd think that the gym would make me feel guilty for eating so many m&m's, but it doesn't. Some days I go to the gym and then come home and before I even get into the shower, I'll pop a few into my mouth. I mean really, why did I just spend all that time working out! Very counter productive I would think, but it doesn't stop me.

Maybe someday I'll go back to the fun size (or even quit altogether, gasp!), but for now its just me and my big bag.

I mean, seriously the small bag just doesn't cut it! I NEED my peanut m&ms!

Do you think I have a problem?


sara said…
This is hilarios! I don't think you need to quit. I also think it runs in the family. I just ate an entire bag of those chocolate covered pretzles. I can't believe you even went down to the small size. You're braver than I.
Just give in and go with it. And you know I am right there with you. If I ever run out, I will come right over.
brooke said…
I have the same exact problem and I usually eat about 6 oreos the minute I walk in the door from the gym. I also can't believe you braved Walmart on Black Friday with a child. You are a brave woman. Sounds like you scored some good deals. Nice work.
Smart Helm said…
Sometimes you just need chocolate. Its a truth the world needs to come to grips with.

Someday there will be the chocolate diet.. that will actually melt off the pounds.. I have faith!
Wyatt & Tammy said…
You make me want to go out and buy a bag. I love them too. Maybe after I pass my glucose tolerance test I will treat myself to some. Miss you.
Josh said…
Eliza - I know you have a problem because I have the same problem but it is a beautiful problem to have. Sortof like Edward's addiction to Bella. All the other commenters missed one very important point! Peanut M&M's are VERY addictive. I bought the BIG bag and brought it to my office and it was gone in a week. I am thinking about buying one of those gumball machines to dispense the Peanut M&M's so that I can get some help with controlling the rate of consumption. Peanut M&M's are the best and the worst candy in the world.
Elizabeth said…
I'm not alone!!! My bad time of day is after Jenna goes to sleep, then I can eat whatever I want because I don't have to share, justify or say "not that's enough for you". Because if its enough for a two year old, isn't it enough for me? I love it!!!
Shawna said…
You're too funny! My mom has a big bag and every time I'm at her house my hand ends up inside of it. It must be something about the happy yellow bag that just draws hands towards it.

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