Gettin' Crafty w/ a Friend

This morning I got together with a great friend to make some Christmas cards. I like to scrapbook and she likes to sew and these cards were a little of both, so we were both excited to make them. The best part of the project was that my friend had a magazine that had all the ideas in it, so we didn't have to come up with anything ourselves. I love doing projects, but I have a hard time coming up with my own ideas. I'm a great scraplifter! Our kids played and made a huge mess while we chatted. Then we had a yummy lunch and even better dessert, 4 different kinds of homemade fudge. YUM!!! I didn't take as many pictures as I probably should have, but you'll get an idea of what the kids were up to while we were crafting.
Cute Jenna
Eliza and Cannon cuddling

And of course Audrey. That girl will accessorize anywhere. If one bag will do the job, how about 4 or more? She insisted on being called the Mama while she was pushing the baby around.

Then the BEST part...when I got home each kid took a long nap!!!


OK did you think the oreo fudge was to die for or what? Which was your favorite? Sounds like a way fun day and I am going to try to come although I am sure that the forces of nature will combine against me like they have the past few months. But I so need to do my BYU pictures from last fall, especially before the team comes to town again.
Smart Helm said…
Sounds like tons of fun! Its times like these I am totally jealous of my SAH friends... I'll get to retire and participate in... oh.. say.. 30 years? You better still be crafting and invite me!!
Word Verification "deringle"... just saying.
Shawna said…
These kidos are too much! So cute! Looks like everyone had a fun day!

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