Coral Rose Dobbins

She was born October 25, 2010 at 8:07 AM. She was 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 in. long.

We got up early (4:45 AM) to get ready to go to the hospital.

We got checked in and got ready for the surgery. Mostly it was alot waiting. By 7:30 the Doctor had arrived and we were ready to go.

Everything went perfectly and Coral was here!

Both Grandmas were able to come and see her right away and declared her perfect.

Her brothers and sister just love her. We are very happy to have her in our family!


Anonymous said…
I think that 4:45 is way to early to get up and have a baby! especially on a monday!!!! she is beautiful though! You can tell what family she belongs to also! You can see a lot of her brothers and sister in her! COngratulations! I am so excited for you!
Smart Helm said…
Congratulations! She looks so cute.
Shawna said…
She is so beautiful and you look quite stunning with your tiara on. Congrats!
Yes congratulations and she does look absolutely perfect.
Arya said…
congratulations!!! I had my little girl, MJ, a few days before you on the 22nd!! arn't little girls just grand!
sara said…
Hooray for new babies. She's perfect. Almost makes you want to keep going huh?

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