I took Audrey and Cannon to a birthday party and had fun chatting with my friends. Then I went to lunch with my hubby, MIL, SIL and some nephews. The night before Russ and I were able to go out to dinner with no kids. It was magical! After lunch I was pampered with a pedicure. I don't know why I don't do that regularly. It was heavenly. Then I picked up Hunter from school and was surprised to see Russ home from work. He had taken the day off to finish my table. I LOVE my table. It is just perfect! I'll have to take a picture soon. My MIL was doing my dishes (embarrassing) which was really nice, because my sink was pretty nasty. Later that night Isaac called me and then we enjoyed this delicious chocolate cake. It was so pretty and really yummy!
What a great day! It was nice to feel loved and appreciated.