Crazed Shopper

Well today was the big day that I ventured to the store with three little ones all by myself. Even though I had to use the big cart that I hate, overall we did o.k. I purposely chose Target because I knew they had the big cart and I hoped that it would keep Audrey and Hunter contained. I also needed to look at Sara's registry, go to the pharmacy, get some things off my list and buy some groceries for the camp out. The big cart worked for a little while, until Hunter wanted to walk. Of course Audrey had to get out too. Its a good thing Cannon just kept sleeping (I don't know what I'll do when everyone can walk). I did find a good distraction on Sara's registry... toilet cleaners! Its a good thing she wanted them because they made great "swords" to slay all of the dragons in the store. Needless to say it kept them entertained for a little while! So I did it, I can handle going to the store... well today I can. Now I'm going to take a nap because I am worn out!


Shawna said…
Ahoy looks like you have been taken over by the toilet cleaning pirates. Fun stuff! I'm sad to say that I think shopping will be an adventure from now on for you.

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