
I really can't believe that I haven't done anything with this blog for so long.  I used to love to write in it and post my pictures and best of all get comments.  Feedback on the experiences that I was having.  I guess then I got introduced to Facebook and then I only had to write a sentence or two, post a picture and then I'd get INSTANT feedback and a lot more of it.  So I slowly stopped blogging.  I also got busy and behind.  I'd tell myself that being behind didn't matter, but I realy didn't want to lose all of those memories.  So I'd try to catch up.  I loved getting it all down, but by then my few followers weren't following and I lost most of my commentors.  Life got more busy and I just didn't blog.

I'm not really a big New Year's Resolution kind of person, but I'm really feeling like I need to get back into blogging.  My blog is about my family and I really want to remember all the things that are happening in our busy fun life right now.  So my resolution is to make blogging a prioity.  To put down my memories while they are still fresh in my mind.  To not worry about comments.  To just make a record of my family.  These kids grow up so fast and I don't want to miss out.


Sheena said…
I totally understand what you're saying! I get hung up on people reading and commenting too...its kind of nice to know people care...but I have tried to realize these posts are really for me and a journal/scrapbook (with a lot less work than a traditional scrapbook) of my life, thoughts,ad memories. Really they are things that probably will only be meaningful to me and my family years down the road anyway--so whi cares about who is reading?! Anyway I am glad to know I am not the only one who has felt this way. PS Hope you guys are well and I would love to see pics of your new baby girl :)
sara said…
Good post! Way to shake the dust off. Now get some pictures!

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