New Dishes

Apparently my Mom hated my dishes. In fact she's hated them for a very long time. She told me that she's been wanting to buy me new ones since last summer. SO when she was here in Jan. that's exactly what she did. THANKS Mom!

The old dishes.

The new dishes.

The best part is that they claim to be chip resistant. We'll see how that works out.

*Update: Its been about a month since I've had new dishes. The best part is having a lot of dishes. Its great to have a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a sink full of dirty dishes AND still have dishes in the cupboard. Then I can decide to put away the clean ones or just make more dirty ones! :)
*We have had 2 glasses crack and had to be thrown away. :(


Barbaloot said…
I kinda like the old dishes...

But I'm not one to turn away new gifts of any sort. Maybe I'll buy ugly dishes to see what my mom does...
sara said…
I agree that the old ones were cuter, but the new ones are lighter and you can fit more in the cupboard, so that's a good thing I guess.
So much for being chip resistant, or is that just the plates?
Kathy said…
You can never have too many dishes...ask my cupboards. I quite like the new ones.

Thanks for stopping by for a Diet Pepsi :)
Kathy said…
p.s. I LOVE your favorite quote - too funny!
Elizabeth said…
Hmmm, I guess I wouldn't care if my mom bought me new dishes, but really, your old ones weren't bad at all...cuter than what I have sitting around. I'll probably get new ones once all of something are broken... nice excuse to replace at that point!

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