Just Peachy

While we were out playing in the yard we noticed that our peach tree had been attacked by the birds. They saw that delicious fruit and couldn't resist. There was only one lonely peach left, so we picked it before they could. I wanted to take a picture of it, but before I could the kids started eating it. Golly, they might be worse than the birds!

It was very hard to only have one peach. Audrey and Cannon kept fighting over it!

It was yummy and very juicy. I hope that next year we have more peaches. That way I'll get more than a little bite!


Elizabeth said…
Looks good! That is very cool... I'll miss you while you're gone.
Smart Helm said…
I need a peach tree! Our old neighbors in NM put up netting over their cherry tree... that way the birds only get the outside ones. I LOVE picking fruit off of trees. Hope next year is bett 4 u.
Kristina P. said…
Oh, that's so sad!
Coleman Express said…
Our tree is no where near being ready...that is not fair. But I guess with you all ditching on the Summer it is better to enjoy now then not at all.
sara said…
There go all my dreams of peach jelly.
Shawna said…
I want to run out and plant some fruit trees right now!

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