Gratitude for a small town

Well, like I said in yesterday's post, my camera was missing. After searching the house and the car I thought back to where I'd used it last. When I remembered the park, I thought there's no way it'll be there, but I still raced into town to check.

After looking over the park I of course didn't find it. I walked next door to the pool to see if by chance anyone had turned it in (in Vegas NOBODY would've). I asked the lifegaurds and they said yes, and handed it over. I was in total shock and so super grateful.

Oh happy day! I was thrilled to have my camera back and even more importantly my memory card full of memories! That night I wrote a letter to the editor praising their town. I'm not sure if it got published, but I hope it did. Then the good smaratian will know how much I appreciated their kindness.

Oh, and what would you do if you were a teenager with a camera hanging around? Take pictures of course! This is what a found on my memory card, but I didn't care because I was so happy to have my camera back!!


sara said…
That's hilarious that they took pictures with your camera. I wonder if they do that with all lost cameras.

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