Hunter, Audrey and Cannon enjoyed splashing around with their cousins Riley, Connor and Megan in Grandma's backyard.I LOVE this picture of the two girls running in the green grass with their pink princess swimsuits on!
I wish I looked that good in a swimming suit. I really love how green it is there. Jealous is a good word. Dennis said someday we are going to have to put in desert landscaping out front. It won't go without a fight. I love green grass. It looks like your'e having fun.
Once I realized that I was going to have snore free nights, I was overjoyed! What I didn't count on though was my children. On Sunday Night (Mon. morning) all three of them decided that 4 AM would be a great time to wake up. Monday night, Hunter snuck into our bed for half the night until I took him back to his bed. The other half of the night Cannon was up every two hours until I let him sleep with us. Audrey actually stayed in her bed and only cried once. This brings me to last night. 11:00 PM I turn out the lights and go to bed, thinking to myself that Cannon will probably be up in an hour. 12:00 AM Cannon wakes up. I feed him. 1:00 AM I wake up, slumped over with Cannon still in my arms to Audrey screaming. I quickly put Cannon back in his bed and go see Audrey. She is standing up with her blanket and sippy, has already said "good bye" to binky and is ready to get out of bed. I bring her back to bed with me. 2:00 AM Fight with Audrey about the covers (she...