Tooting Our Own Horn

Well as if you didn't already know, here are some pictures of how amazing I am (along with my sisters Cathy & Sara & great friend Kelli).

First you need to pick the pomegranates from the tree. Be careful because the tree is quite thorny.

Use boxes, buckets and such to hold the yummy fruit.

Then you need to get all of that fruit from its home. Cathy and I pick out each seed from each crevice carefully. Sara and Kelli whack it with the back of a spoon and they all come tumbling out. Both methods work, although I think whacking might be faster.
Then you need to cook the fruit to soften it. Next you squeeze every last drop out of it. Then you mix in heaps of sugar and some pectin to make some delicious jelly. Boil it all to make sure it is sealed and will last for a while and still be yummy.

And there you have it, Pomegranate Jelly! (This isn't even half of it!) We were having so much fun on the 28th, that we did more on the 4th & 5th. We even got some Prickly Pears from my neighbors large cacti to make even more jelly.

I will give you our exact number after I have labeled everything. Right now I am simply exhausted. It was a lot of work. But once I tasted it last night... it was totally worth it! YUM-O!!!


Very impressive! You go girls. Next time Cathy is there, you have to call me. I would love to chat with her.
Wow, what a huge batch of Jelly! It looks yummy. I learned to make and can jelly last year but didn't make any this year. Where did you get all of the pomegranates? Looks like you had a great time!!!
Smart Helm said…
WOW! On a scale from 9 to 10, that is amazing!

I'm speachless...
Elizabeth said…
Holy cow - That's AWESOME!! I love the feeling of accomplishment I get from canning. It actually lasts more than 24 hours

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