The UPS Person

Yesterday, we heard our doorbell ring. When I looked out the peephole, nobody was there. I thought that maybe it was a short person that couldn't see, so I opened the door. Sitting on the ground was a surprise treasure. A package delievered by the UPS person that we didn't even see. Maybe they are special like Santa or the Tooth Fairy. They just drop off little packages of happiness and then go on their way.

What could it be? The excitement of the unknown is great. It says it is from Minnesota! Grandma & Grandpa Mitton sent us a package! Yes! We grabbed the scissors and cut off the wrapping and opened up the box.

Inside we found some new clothes, halloween socks, fairy wings, a wand, monsters that grow out of little capsules and of course...beautiful fall leaves.



Wyatt & Tammy said…
Packages are so much fun to get. It is always like opening a treasure box. I love the idea of sending fall leaves. The colors are beautiful here right now. We are excited to see all of you next week.
sara said…
I'll try not to be jelous at the fact that you are quite obviously the favorite daughter and be happy for my nephews and niece and their fun package. Humph.
sara said…
And it turns out I can't spell jealous.
I'd blame it on the keyboard, but that seems silly. Instead I'll say that my sister who will remain nameless cut off my pinkie finger so it's harder for me to reach the "a".
You can't mock the handicapped
Habs said…
I've decided to do all my Christmas shopping online this year. That way I get a package in the mail even though it is for someone else and I will have to gift it away! Is that wrong?

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