9 for 2009

Here are 9 things that I'm looking forward to in 2009!

1: Continued good health for myself and my family.

2: Russell having the opportunity to grow in his calling by going to 2 scout camps this summer.

3: Isaac turning 13 and officially becoming a teenager(o.k. so not so much the teenager part).

4: Hunter going to kindergarten.

5: Audrey taking more dance classes.

6: Cannon walking!

7: A vacation, anywhere.

8: Family coming to visit.

9: Scrapbooking more and getting photos organized.



Kristina P. said…
I hope all these things happen! Love the new blog look.

Happy New Year!
sara said…
I think the one that made me most excited is Hunter in Kindergarden. Hooray!
Shawna said…
Sounds like it's going to be a great year!
Smart Helm said…
Good luck with that!

Thank you for the present. I assume u left it on the doorstop and my friend put it inside when she came to water the plants... otherwise you must have broken into my house and left it on the table!

Happy New Year!

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