Sara the Superstar!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful sister Sara! I won't tell you how old she is, but I'd like to share 28 great things about her.

1. She has great hair.
2. She can blog like no other.
3. She loves her family.
4. She goes to the temple often (except when something comes up...see her blog)
5. She has a loving husband.
6. She has two wonderful sisters.
7. She can play guitar hero with her nephews.
8. She has a great smile.
9. She can multi-task at work (like going to Sam's Club while on a "break")
10. She has traveled all over the world.
11. She's been to more temples than us.
12. She can speak more languages then us.
13. She has an awesome little finger.
14. She drives a mean car - and it's a stick!
15. She makes beautiful quilts.
16. She's a recovering vegetarian.
17. She has her own house.
18. She likes pink.
19. Her hair is almost as cool as her sister's.
20. She is the "baby".
21. Her eyes are blue like her dad's.
22. She has laser perfect eyes.
23. She can touch her nose with her tongue.
24. She ALWAYS ruins Christmas.
25. She loves turtles.
26. She hates snakes.
27. She is still on her "honeymoon".
28. Her middle name is Coral.

Happy Birthday Little Sis! From Eliza & Cathy (with help from Russell, Dwain, Mom & Dad)


Smart Helm said…
I love the ruins christmas comment! That is what we say when anything goes wrong. Great.. Mom ruined Christmas. It helps lighten any situation.

Sounds like a wonderful sister. Probably because she's related to u!
nevadanista said…
Recovering vegetarians are much more fun than practicing vegetarians! Happy birthday to Sara :)
sara said…
Ahhh, thanks sis!

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