In order to avoid this
(folding all my clean laundry)
I have been:
Going to the gym
Eating & Snacking
Playing w/ the kids
Planning my sharing time
Looking at old scrapbooks
Reading blogs
Surfing the web
ANYTHING but fold the laundry!
It's now 4:30 and time to think about making dinner (another thing I avoid). I don't mind cooking its just the thinking of what to make part.
My goal is to fold that mountain away, while watching the greatest show ever! (My sister is even going to watch it!) Its called
Since it is on tonight I went to the gym this morning, now I won't feel as guilty! Pretty smart, eh?
I hope that you all take the time watch this inspiring show!
I will probably never achieve forgiveness.
But Dad said he was going to watch a rated R movie so at least we'll be together in the telestial world.