I see you......maybe not

I've been saving my pennies for lasik eye surgery. And with some generous gifts for my birthday and Christmas my goal was getting more attainable. So I set up an appointment to see if A: My eyes qualify and B: how much.

Yesterday was the big day. The good news. Horray I qualify!!!! I have optimal cornea thickness. The bad news. It costs $5300!!! With Russell's work discount it's only (sarcastic) $4300. My pennies haven't added up to quite that much.

I think I'll try a different surgen. My sister got her eyes done for $3000, so I know there must be cheaper places. But I don't want to be too cheap, because these are my eyes and my vision's future we're talking about here folks!

So for now it's back to contacts/glasses and looking for pennies in the parking lots.


sara said…
I LOVE the picture. No way can you cover up those pretty blues with glasses. Lasik is the way to go all the way. Good luck!!
Kristina P. said…
Wow, that's pricey! Good luck with it!
Wyatt & Tammy said…
Ouch! Wyatt had his eyes done for $1,000 almost 8 years ago. We thought that was expensive.
Shawna said…
Finding change is my Dad's specialty. When he would take me to Seminary we would often stop at a gas station for something to eat and he would always go check the slot machines for coins people left behind. It seems he always found some. Take advantage of the sin in this town =)

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