NO ice cream for you!
Last nights Biggest Loser was GREAT! I don't think I'm fat enough for the show though. (Wishful thinking) They have some big people. Now...HOW did BOB know???? In the opening of the show the trainers were talking and Bob said, "None of it means anything is you are going to sit there and eat ice cream while watching our show." Ummm, can he see me right now? Does he read my mind or just my blog?
P.S. Mission Accomplished!
All of the laundry got folded and put away. My wonderful sweetheart even matched socks for me and helped fold while I fed the baby. What a man!
I like cops and robbers much better... hmm, I wonder what that says about us? U like nice life changing shows and I like murder and mayhem.
What a man indeed!