Freezer FULL of Bananas

Well, what would you do if your sister gave you a TON of bananas?

I baked!

I made strawberry/banana, blueberry/banana and regular banana bread, muffins and mini-muffins.

I still have a freezer full of banans, so if anyone is interested in doing some baking of your own, PLEASE come and take some of mine!


Kristina P. said…
I wish I lived closer! I love all things bananas.
Shawna said…
I could have totally used that last weekend for a monkey themed baby shower I did. We had banana bread, banana pudding, and banana slush punch. I've heard banana bread freezes well so maybe you can get a jump start on your holiday baking.
Everything looks yummy!
Unknown said…
mmmmmmmmm. mail me banana bread! :o) lol

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