yep, all mine

I've been watching this t.v. show on TLC called John and Kate Plus Eight. For those of you that don't know about it, it is a reality show about this family that has eight children. They have 6 year old twins and 3 year old sextuplets. So needless to say things are crazy, but they still go out and do things like go to get ice cream, go to a park etc. In all the time I've been watching no one has said to the mom, are these all yours? BUT when I went to the store with my kids the other day a lady asked, are these all yours? I said yes, and she said that I must have my hands full. WHAT ABOUT THE LADY WITH EIGHT KIDS????


Josh said…
Hilarious. Alicia gets the same question. In Seattle people usually said it with a hint of a disgusted sneer but in Vegas people usually say it with a hint of empathetic concern.
Josh said…
We LOVE watching Jon & Kate + 8 together late at night after the kids have gone to bed. It is a nice reminder that it isn't so bad to have 3 munchkins when you could have 8! It really seems to put things in perspective.
Shawna said…
Hey take it as a compliment, like they are say you look too young and rested to have all those kids.

I love watching that show after a "bad" day. The one where they were stuck on the airplane makes me especially grateful for my family. It's also a perfect example of how He doesn't give you more than you can handle.
Gail Zussman said…
I love watching Kate & Jon also -
Johanna has watched it a few times and some of my friends -
we always think how lucky we are we don't have 8 kids - 1 set of twins and a set of 6! Just imagine all the chaos -
They do a fabulous job with them and most of the time keep their sense of humor.
Gail Z.
Jennifer said…
My mother loves that show...she also can't stand it at the same time. She has her hands full with me and my two little brothers! Cool blog.

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