Disney Fun

We had so much fun in Disneyland. It was great to be with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles and especially cousins! The only bad thing that happend was that our camera got stolen. So these are the only pictures that I have. Hopefully Grandma and Uncle Josh will give us copies of the pictures that they took. Thank you everyone, we had a fun time with all of you!


Smart Helm said…
STOLE YOUR CAMERA!?!?!? That is aweful. I'm sorry.
But the pictures you do have look fun. Glad u had such a good time!
sara said…
Good to see some pictures! Looks like everyone was having fun. I can't believe that Cannon is not even 1 year yet and he's already been to Disneyland as many times as I have!
Habs said…
That totally stinks about your camera. However, the pictures you posted are way cute. Audrey totally takes after your side of the family. It is like looking at a little sara! Adorable.
Shawna said…
Looks like it was a blast! Totally bummer about your camera. It's also a bit creepy to know that someone has pictures of your family that you don't even have. However, it does make Russel's Christmas shopping really easy. Leave it to me to find a bright side...I'm so annoying.
Wyatt & Tammy said…
We had so much fun with all of you guys. We wish we were still together. Will you email/send any pictures you have since we completely forgot our camera?
Katie said…
Looks like you guys had lots of fun!!
Rebecca said…
I have the cutest grandies EVER!

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