Super Sexy Shorts & Socks

My wonderful husband was out Scouting for food today. I didn't see him when he left, but this is how I saw him when I came home. He didn't want me to show his entire uniform, but you do get to see the best part. Isn't it great that he walked around the neighborhoods like this?
Sorry ladies, he's taken!


hee hee

What a shame he's taken. That, plus the CRAP machine . . . it's just a darn shame he's taken. ;)
sara said…
You're so hilarious. Wanna start making posts for me? Maybe then *famous people (see above) would start commenting on my blog!
Smart Helm said…
I think that's an awesome outfit. Is he an engineer?
That's too funny! What are men thinking?!
Shawna said…
OH my! Those should totally get lost (like in the trash) never to be found again. He's an awesome Scout Master and good sport.

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