Easter Eggs

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This is us dying our Easter Eggs. The kids did this really fast. Grab an egg, dunk and take out. Audrey's eggs made a little crack sound when she dumped her's in.

I remember doing this for hours with my sisters. This year it took us minutes. Maybe when the kids are older they will want to take the time to decorate the eggs with different colored stripes or to see how dark your egg can get by leaving it in the longest. But for now simple is what we get. Everyone had fun though and that's what really counts.

P.S. Russell is blowing some eggs that I had dyed previously. I hung them on my "Easter Tree" as part of the decorations around the house.


Shawna said…
They look beautiful and it looks like the kids had fun. Kudos to Russ for helping you with your Easter tree. As Mike Rowe would say, it's a dirty job but someone gotta do it.
Now you know we all need a pic of the Easter tree.
Barbaloot said…
I think anyone that dyes eggs with children is impressive. That's a lot of work!
Smart Helm said…
Looks like tons of fun.

I especially like the cracking!
rychelle said…
i used to spend a long time on my eggs as well.
Coleman Express said…
that is cool...how do you do those fun pages on the computer? Can you print them out or anything?

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