Head to Toe

I found myself saying, "at least it's not sharpie"! These markers (that I have no idea where she found them) aren't permanent.

I guess I know why crayola makes markers that only write on their special paper! Oy!


rychelle said…
oh boy!

did she get anything else, or just herself?
sara said…
Seriously, I swear everytime I see that girl she's got marker somewhere. Little Rascal!
Coleman Express said…
She is still so cute. Okay I know that you arenever going to talk to me again...but I did not get any cereal....I tried but the Albertson's was all sold out. I did make it to the case lot at Smith's....does that make up for the cereal?
Smart Helm said…
What is it with kids drawing on themselves? Although I have been known to look down at the end of a day at work and see pen and pencil marks all over my shirt. I really need to stop wearing yellow.

I just had an idea... those who get tatoos just haven't grown out of the stage Audrey is demonstrating in these pictures!

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