Happy Happy Birthday Cannon Dear!

When people say "time flies" I think they must have a baby. One year ago I was giving birth to my baby boy and now he's on the verge of toddlerhood. I just can't believe it!

He is such a joy in our family. When I got pregnate I wasn't sure I was ready for another child, but now I can't imagine life with out him. He has made our family complete. He has the greatest smile and the cutest laugh. He's sweet and cuddly and we all adore him.

Happy Birthday One Year Old!! We love you!


sara said…
Seriously adorable. You should have put some pictures of him growing up.
Is that a bruise on his forehead? Should I be calling CPS?
rychelle said…
too cute!

i know my favorite person is growing up way too fast too.
Smart Helm said…
That is an amazing cake. Did u make it?

Happy Birthday!
Anonymous said…
I can not believe that he is already one. HOpe that you had fun celebrating with him!
Shawna said…
It's been a year already? WOW. Love the cake idea, it looks wonderful. he looks like a little boy instead of a baby in the picture with Russ holding him.
Coleman Express said…
Time is going fast. We had a great time with you guys. Cannon seriously is so adorable. I love his hair and eyes. Happy Birthday Cannon.

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