Back to Real Life

Well...I've been home from vacation for a week now. Boy does real life get in the way of relaxing! We've had dentist/doctors appointments, clean/organize the house and just everything else that comes up like laundry, dishes and kids!

I had a wonderful vacation. It was nice to be away and to be able to do fun things and just relax. I'm going to be finishing posting all of my pictures from my trip. So it might be a little out of date order. I am going in chronological order of when things happened though, so in my mind it makes sense. Even if I post about the 4th of July when its August! I'm also going to try to post twice a day to get everything "caught" up. Since this is my journal I want all of the memories preserved, so if you're not interested then you can take a break from reading my for a little bit. I hope to be caught up by the time school starts. Then I hope to back to posting about things that are happening in the moment and not from weeks past. Does this make sense? Oh well, happy updating!


Smart Helm said…
So glad ur back and so fun 2 see all the pictures!

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