What camping trip would be complete without some s'mores? My kids love making them. I can eat one, but otherwise I don't like marshmallows. Hunter has graduated from setting the marshmallows on fire to wanting to get it golden brown.
Audrey helped me make cookies and got a big surprise when she turned on the mixer and flour flew everywhere! After she cleaned up, we had some delicious chocolate chip cookies.
The first weekend in April we went on a road trip to Phoenix, AZ. We went to visit Russell's sister Cheryl and her husband Gavan and their two dogs. The drive (which I did all of it) was really pleasant and pretty. We went through a Joshua Tree forest and then saw the most amazing saguaro cactus. They were huge and were just out there along the road. (In my youth when I would picture the west this is what I imagined. Huge cactus everywhere.) It was amazing. We loved seeing the sights of Phoenix and going to the Science Center. We had a great time at Cheryl and Gavan's house. We miss them, but we're glad that they are not too far away.