Gold Money

On Tuesday night Hunter went poo poo in the potty! Yes you read that correctly. He did indeed do the deed in the toliet! HOORAY! For this accomplishment he recieved a gold dollar, which he was thrilled to put into his piggy bank. So not only did he keep his underwear clean, but he is also saving money. Aren't you impressed?

(I'm not holding my breath that this will happen again. BUT... I might just have a little hope.)

P.S. On Wednesday night Audrey sat on the little potty and tried to go. Do you think I should try potty training her? Even though I haven't been successful with Hunter?


Anonymous said…
That may be an added incentive for Hunter to finish training himself. Boys are funny like that they want to be better than anyone else is. That is how we did it with Joshua, we said joshua Hunter goes potty every time in the toilet and within the week, we were done potty training.

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