Vacation: Part 2 of 3

On to Minnesota! We drove from MO to MN via Iowa. Which was fun because that's where Russell served his mission. So he was able to tell interesting stories while we drove. We got to my parents house and immediately left for "the lake". Which is where my Grandpa lives in "up north". It's about the middle of the state. My parents are developing some of the land there and we (Russell) were enlisted to help build a shed.

It wasn't all work. We had fun going to a kids fishing contest, a minnow race (which both Audrey and Hunter won), a turtle race (which Hunter won), a large flea market. We went fishing and enjoyed the views of the lake. We didn't go swimming, because it was too cold. It was good to see my Grandpa and introduce him to Cannon.

Then on to International Falls which is on the border of Canada. We visited my Grandma and other relatives. Russell went fishing. It rained the whole time we were there and it was COLD. I kept having to remind myself that it was really July. We wore long pants and jackets to keep warm.

On our drive back to my parents home we went to Duluth and were able to do a letterbox. If you haven't heard about them check out Its a blast and easy to do with kids. In Duluth we enjoyed some amazing views of Lake Superior.

At my parents house we enjoyed some yummy dutch oven cooking while we visited with my uncle, aunt and cousins. Then we had to pack up so we could drive back to MO the next morning.

Even though is was cold and wet for most of our visit, I'm glad that Russell got to see MN in the summer time and enjoy the beautiful state that I grew up in.


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