Vacation: Part 3 of 3

We went back to MO on the 14th and were able to celebrate Isaac's 12th birthday with him. He had a fun party, with a transformer theme and a great transformer pinata. Audrey and Megan played in the playhouse, while I watched Russell out in the field. Our last week of vacation we helped hay the field and get it into the barn. We went fishing in Grandpa's pond. Audrey saw Grandpa painting her cousin Megan's toe nails so of course she wanted hers done too. Thanks Aunt Cheryl! We got to see some farm animals on our friends the Grady's ranch. I went to the Amish town, Jamesport and got some yummy treats. We got caught in a thunderstorm and I got soaked! We played more BANG! and talked and laughed. Before we knew it, it was time to go.

We had a wonderful vacation. We just love the Midwest. We love spending time with our family. We had a great time.


Russell said…
You forgot to mention that you drove a tractor...

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